Samstag, 22. März 2014

2014-03-22 Summary after the first 3 summits

Hello Together! I am now in Abisko Turiststation and wait for the blisters on my feet to heal. Seem`s that I have been a bit too eager when climbing on this 3 wonderfull Sota-mountains. The weather was just perfect.  Now I have to pay the bill.
My plan is to leave Abisko tomorrow  and walk northwards into Norway. Hope to meet you again on 14.285 MHz.
Markus, DK7MX

Looking back to SM/NB-060 Vaimooaivi the day after activation.

SM/NB-055 Bonjincohkka 18.03.2014

SM/NB-036 Tjuonatjakka (Lapporten) in the background after activation 19.03.2014

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Markus,

    ich wünsch Dir, bzw. besser gesagt Deinen Füssen, gute Besserung und das Du bald wieder unterwegs in dieser tollen Umgebung sein kannst. Echt tolle Bilder die Du da gemacht hast! Ich beneide Dich um diese schöne Umgebung, obwohl ich eigentlich eine kleine "Frostbeule" bin ;-)
    Alles Gute weiterhin auf Deine Reise und schau, dass Du rechtzeitig Tromsö erreichst :-)
    Beste Grüße aus Freiburg


  2. Today 25 of March Markus was in a camp which is open for all hikers .
    In the camp there is wood for fire and a gasoline generator.
    No other visitors in the camp.
    The coordinates of the camp are
    N 68 deg 37min 34.9 sec
    E 19deg 06min 04sec
    Markus is feeling fine and he is going to meet a norwegian mountain guide.
    He sent regards to his friends
    Cellular phone has sometimes field sometimes not.
    I undertood that anyhow he tries to save battery energy
    Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I check if I can have a radiamateur contact. Maybe Markus is then in the mountain Rohkunborri (summit LA/TR-005)

    Greetings from Markus via Risto OH2BT

    1. Dear Risto,
      Thank you for your message from Markus!
      I wait every night to his "spot".
      Too bad that this does not always work.
      Nice that you have heard him via radio.
      Say greetings to him!
